Sunday, June 30, 2013

the first wednesday

photo: jetheriot

It takes only a few minutes for a meditation instructor to teach a person the mechanics of meditation: how to sit, how to bring the mind to the breath, etc. That's not what our first Wednesday together is about. Today the lesson is rhythm.

A person who is trying to establish a daily meditation practice is a person who is trying to establish a new daily rhythm. This point often gets glossed over in a first meditation lesson, with the emphasis usually falling instead on the mechanics of a formal sitting practice. We'll get to that on another Wednesday. Today we're going to focus on the rhythm of the practice.

The rhythm is a daily one. In the beginning, you're just getting used to the idea of doing something on a daily basis. You're getting used to the idea of setting aside some time every day to practice something. You're establishing a daily rhythm. You're breaking in a new shoe, gently. 

From now until next Wednesday this will be your goal -- you're going to set aside one minute of every day to do a simple exercise. Your goal is to breathe mindfully for one minute every day. 

This is what you'll do. Normally when you breathe, you don’t notice that you’re breathing. Breathing usually goes unnoticed. For one minute every day just breathe naturally. Notice your breath as you breathe, feeling your breath go in, feeling your breath go out. That’s it. When the breath goes in, notice it going in. When the breath goes out, notice it going out. It may help to put a hand on your chest or on your belly and feel yourself moving as you breathe. The movement of air into and out of your body is what you’re practicing noticing. And remember, just breathe naturally. You must use a timer. Do this once a day.

The bar is set low for a good reason. I'm sure you could do the exercise for two or three minutes no problem, but remember, you're focusing on the rhythm of the practice at first. My goal over the next twelve Wednesdays is to help you not only establish but also maintain a daily meditation practice, so setting a sustainable pace is important. My job today is to slow you down. It's important to start low and go slow. Start with one minute a day and see what that feels like.

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